Food, Health

How To Develop Healthy Eating Habits In A Child

Many kids develop unhealthy eating habits because of several reasons, such as peer pressure, luring junk food commercials, easy availability of takeout food, etc. In such a situation, developing healthy eating habits in kids becomes an uphill struggle for parents. But it is important to divert kids towards healthy eating habits. A healthy diet helps in stabilizing energy, sharpening the mind, and developing better concentration that translates into good emotional and physical health. As parents, it is your responsibility to take care of the eating habits of your kids to prevent childhood obesity.

Benefits of healthy food for kids

A healthy diet can have an intense effect on a child’s wellbeing, which prevents conditions such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. Eating well in childhood promotes healthy development into adulthood. In case your child has been diagnosed with a mental health problem, and you can help him or her in managing the symptoms and regaining control over health with a healthy diet.

Remember that your kids are not born with Pizza and French fries cravings, and an aversion to carrots and broccoli. This happens when kids are exposed to unhealthy food choices. However, it is absolutely possible to reprogram the kids so that they crave healthy foods instead.

Whether you are dealing with toddlers or teens, children tend to develop a natural eating preference for the food they enjoy most. In order to encourage healthy eating, you are required to make nutritious food more appealing.

Don’t ban junk food right away: If you completely ban junk food, your kids will become rebellious. You can let them eat junk food occasionally as a reward.

Be a role model: Kids follow their parents. They won’t be able to develop healthy eating habits if their parents are not eating healthy.

Avoid buying unhealthy foods: Don’t bring unhealthy food at home even in a small quantity.

Consult a weight loss nutritionist: You can consult with a weight loss doctor and get the best eating chart for your kids.

Children and Obesity: Healthy Food in the summertime

It’s summer! Kids are home from school and seeking things to indulge in. This can be the perfect time to get involved with kids and teach them about healthy eating habits. Instead of letting your kids waste their summer vacations, playing video games, make them understand the importance of healthy living.

During the summertime, things get slow down, and kids tend to become lazy. This is the time when you should educate your children about the importance of healthy foods. Initially, your kids might not like the idea of eating all healthy, but once they understand the significance of healthy food, they will try to adopt healthy eating habits.

Summertime Foods


Fresh seasonal fruits will keep your kids healthy and active throughout the season. Not only are summertime fruits being a delightful addition to any meal, but fruit gives a multitude of physical and nutritional benefits. Fruits such as watermelon, strawberry, blueberry, and more are great options.


Vegetables are full of nutrients and great for overall health. Seasonal vegetables are treasures of health benefits. Veggies contain vitamins, proteins, calcium, and many more nutrients. Kids generally don’t like eating vegetables. You can make some tasty vegetable dishes for your kids. Explain to them about the health benefits of every vegetable.

Healthy drinks

It is essential to stay hydrated during summers. Water is the best choice for sure. Kids get thirsty in the summer and drink canned juices, soda, and sugared drinks. These drinks not only make kids obese but also create other health issues such as diabetes. You can make smoothies, lemonade, and juices for your kids.


Instead of letting your kids eat chips, chocolates, burgers, and other junk food during snack time, serve them some healthy and tasty snacks. You can cook some healthy recipes such as –mini rice cakes, popcorn, cereal trail mix, etc. These snacks will not only satisfy the hunger of your child but also provide the necessary nutrients.

As parents, it is your responsibility to look after your child’s health. You should educate your child about childhood obesity and its consequences.